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The Baron 7/0 
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Tag: Silver twist, Red claret floss.
Tail: Gold phesant crest.
Butt: Black herl
Body: In two sections,first half flat silver ribbed oval silver, butted Indian Crow to tag and black herl. Second half black silk ribbed oval silver and a red claret hackle along.
Throat: Jay.
Wing: Tippet strands, yellow Swan, blue and red Macaw, Gold pheasant tail, Peacock wing and Mallard, a topping over.
Sides: Jungle cock
Cheeks: Chatterer
Horns: Blue and yellow Macaw
Head:Black Ostrich.
The Baron is a fly from the middle of the 1800's, Kelson wrote that he got this pattern from Farlow. I have try to confirm that this is a Farlow fly, but haven't find anything about it. Hale and Hardy have almost the same description of it, except for the head where they didn't using herl. There is also a Blue Baron.