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GS.W.Brown? Tag: Silver tinsel, yellow silk. Tail: Gold phesant crest. Butt: Black Ostrich. Body: Black silk. Ribbing: Oval silver tinsel. Throat: A light blue cock hackle. Wing: Bronze Mallard and a topping. Sides: Teal. Horns: Blue and yellow Macaw. Head: Black |
As I can find out in book's the originator was a Mr.W.Brown also the originator of The March Brown. But the man who put it in the light was a Mr.A.H.Woods who was a very famouse fisherman, catching 3540 Salmon from 1913 until his dead 1934 the most of them in River Dee, and with a Blue Charm on the leader. Like many other famouse flies there is a lots of different dressings on this fly. Kelson was using a claret body and black wool head, Major Hale and J.J.Hardy was dress it just like the one above except that I have using yellow silk in the tag, and they was dress it with just silver. |