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Black Doctor 3/0 
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Tag: Silver tinsel, yellow silk.
Tail: Gold phesant crest and a Chatterer.
Butt: Scarlet Berlin wool.
Body: Black silk.
Ribbing: Oval silver tinsel.
Hackle: A blue cock hackle from second turn.
Throat: Jay.
Wing: Tippets in strands, Pintail, dark mottled turkey,Swan dyed blue and yellow, red Macaw,
Gold pheasant tail, Gallina, Mallard, and a topping.
Cheeks: A Chatterer or Kingfisher.
Horns: Blue and yellow Macaw.
Head: Scarlet wool.

James "Jemmy" Wright (1829-1902) was the father of a bunch of classic flies including the Black Ranger, Thunder and Lightning, Silver Grey, Dandy, Greenwell and he also seems to have had a part in creating The Silver Wilkinson. The Doctor series began with one fly, named appropriately, The Doctor. From what I understand, Wright used this as a basis for the Blue Doctor and later The Black and The Silver Doc's as well. The Black Doctor pattern is described in nearly all of the classic books , very different from one to another. Wright and Kelson gave the fly a blue hackle, Hale and Hardy a black hackle, Taverner had a claret hackle, and Pryce-Tannatt was ,as usual, changing the whole fly withoutchanging the original name. Strange man, destroying such a nice pattern without shame.