GS.G.Kelson Tag: Silver twist, canary yellow floss. Tail: Gold phesant crest and Ibis. Butt: Black Ostrich herl. Body: Black floss. Ribbing: Golden yellow floss, silver tinsel on each side. Hackle: Heron dyed black from third turn. Wing: Two scarlet cock hackles enveloped by two Jungle cock a little shorter, married strands of light Bustard, Amherst pheasant tail, scarlet and yellow Swan, and two toppings over all. Sides: Unbarred Summr Duck. Head: Black. |
The originator of this fly , if you belive Kelson, is his father.
According to him this fly was a fly which worked well in the rivers
Spey and Wye on high water.
In my opinion this fly works well on high water in all rivers.