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GS.Malloch Tag: Silver tinsel, red-claret silk. Tail: Gold phesant crest and Ibis. Butt: Black Ostrich. Body: Dark yellow, light orange, red-claret and light blue seals fur in equal portions. Ribbing: Oval silver tinsel. Hackle: A light blue cock hackle from red-claret fur. Wing: Two tippets back to back, extending to end of dark yellow fur, veiled with light mottled turkey, Swan dyed yellow and red, Bustard Gold pheasent tail, Teal, Mallard and a topping. Horns: Blue and yellow Macaw. Head: Black. |
The source of this pattern is P.D.Malloch from Perth. Kelson was (as usual) changing it a little. Kelson also hold this fly to be one of the best flies for River Earn, and lightly dressed a very god summer fly for River Dee. The main different between Kelson's and Malloch's fly are that Kelson used Seal instead of silk for the yellow part of the body. |