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Black Ranger 3/0 
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Tag: Silver tinsel and yellow silk.
Tail: Gold phesant crest and Indian Crow.
Butt: Ostrich.
Body: Black silk.
Ribbs: Silver tinsel.
Hackle: Black cock from second turn.
Throat: Light blue cock.
Wing: A pair of Jungle back to back enveloped by four tippets back to back.
Cheeks: A Chatterer or Kingfisher.
Horns: Blue and yellow Macaw.
Head: Black.
The Black Ranger is the "original" Ranger from the early part of 1840. It can be traced back to Jemmy Wright 1829-1902 who is credited with many famous flies. He is mentioned in Kelson's "Salmon Fly" 1895 and was as great dresser and innovator. He created not only the Black Ranger, but the Blue, Red, Silver, and Gold amongst other flies. Many people believe that Wright is the father of The Durham Ranger to, but the Durham Range was originally dressed in 1846 by a Walter Scruton of Durham. Certainly it was influence by the Black Ranger and Wright, who had a small cottage and tackle shop close to the Sprouston Angling club where Mr.Scruton was a member.