The Champion 6/0

GS. Kelson

Tag: Silver twist, light yellow silk.
Tail:A topping; unbarred Summerduck Swan dyed crimson and light blue.
Butt: Black Ostrich herl.
Body: Two turns light blue silk followed by equal parts of
dark yellow, crimson, dark blue and black Sealīs fur.
Ribs: Silver lace and silver tinsel
Wings: Two Summerduck strips back to back partially veiled at bottom with married strips of Amherst and Gold pheasant tail. Married strips of blue Macaw, Swan dyed crimson, Summerduck, Teal, Swan dyed dark yellow, Peacock wing, Mallard and a topping .
Sides: Jungle Cock.
Cheeks: Blue Chatterer or Kingfisher.
Head: Black Ostrich
One of Kelsons own flies, and also one of the more complicated to dress, at least the wing with the Gold and Amherst tail fibres mixed one and one. I can't find out when he was composing it, but a good guess would be sometimes between 1870-1880.