The Chatterer 4/0


Tag: Silver twist and light orange silk.
Tail: Gold pheseant crest.
Butt: Black Ostrich herl.
Body: Two turns of lilac silk followed by a numbers of small blue Chatterer feathers wound around the hook.
Throat: Gallina.
Wing: Six toppings or more.
Sides: Indian crow, two on each side, one a third and one a fourth of the wing.
Cheeks: A Jay wing tip on each side with a small Chatterer on it.
Horns: Blue and yellow Macaw.
Head: Black

One of Major Traherns many beautiful patterns and also one of the most expensive to dress. I have used about 70-80 feathers for the body which I was buying a couple of years ago really cheap. Probably my first and last.