GS.C.Childers Tag: Silver twist, light blue silk. Tail: a topping; and strands of red and blue Macaw, Pintail. Butt: Black Ostrich herl. Body: Two turns light Yellow silk followed by light yellow Seal`s fur and three turns red seal at throat. Ribs: Silver lace and oval silver tinsel Wings: Strands of tippet, Gold pheseant tail, brown mottled Turkey, Ameherst pheseant, Pintail, Bustard, Summer Duck, Parrot, blue and red Macaw, Gallina, Mallard and a topping . Cheeks: Blue Chatterer (or Kingfisher). Head: Black herl. Horns: Blue and yellow Macaw. |
The Childers is my own personal favorite - - the absolute perfect combination of colors, The originator was a Colonel Childer, and according to my research he developed this excellent piece of artwork sometimes around 1885. Like other classics there are many variations on this one ; everyone has his right to an opinion I suppose. But to do as Pryce-Tannatt seemed to do, and completely devastate such a beautiful fly pattern is beyond my comprehension. |