Dawson 5/0 
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Tag: Silver twist and yellow silk.
Tail: Gold phesant crest and a Chatterer.
Butt: Black Ostrich.
Body: In two equal sections of silver tinsel(oval or flat) butted with Indian Crow and black Ostrich.
Ribbing: Oval silver tinsel if you are using flat in the body.
Throat: Indian Crow up and below and a light blue hackle.
Wing: Light mottled Turkey, yellow Macaw, Gold pheasant tail, Teal,
powdered blue Macaw, Ibis, dark mottled Turkey, grey Mallard, bronze Mallard and a topping.
Head: Black.
Another of my favourites also known as Baron Dawson. I havent found out anything of it except that the originator was Kennet Dawson, and nothing about the age of the fly