Tag: Silver tinsel and yelloe silk.
Tail: Gold phesant crest and a Indian Crow.
Body: Black Ostrich.
Body: Two turns of Orange silk, two turns of dark Orange Seal´s fur, and the rest about the half, black Seal´s fur.
Ribbing: Silver lace and flat silver tinsel.
Hackle: A white coch a bonddu cock hackle dyed hot orange.
Throat: Light blue cock hackle
Wing: Four(in larger you can use six) tippets overlapping and enveloping projecting(back to back) Jungle.
Cheeks: Chatterer or A Kingfisher.
Horns: Blue and yellow Macaw.
Head: Black.
A bit of controversy here. First, this was the first known fly to
use Jungle Cock and take Salmon not the Jock Scott. Although credited
to Jemmy Wright by Kelson (again) it was actually of Mr. Scruton of
Durham who invented it. Scruton and William Henderson were members of
the Sprouston Angling Club started in 1845. Apparently Scruton saw the
rare Jungle Cock and added it to a Golden Parson type fly with the
orange tippet pairs.It was not a well known feather by any means.
Henderson writes of this in "My Life as and Angler" (1876) but the
jungle cock was an addition already in 1846. Taverner points to John
Forrest another famous dresser from Kelso and Sprouston, as the dresser
for Mr Scruton's Durham Ranger.See page 70 in "Fly Tying for Salmon"
1947. Taverner dressing differs from Maxwell's consideribly. I have
also found a Blue Ranger in Francis Francis from 1867, once again using
the jungle cocks and orange tippets.