GS.Kelson Tag: Gold tinsel and scarlet silk. Tail: Toucan and Jungle points dyed scarlet. Body: Black Seals fur. Ribbing: Oval gold tinsel. Throat: A blue cock hackle(long) and gallina dyed orange. Wing: Peacockherl, Swan dyed yellow and scarlet, Summer duck and two strips of white tipped Turkey. Sides: Jungle dyed scarlet. Head: Black Ostrich | Kelson accredits himself as the inventor of the Fairy King (and it's partner, the Fairy Queen) in his 1895 classic The Salmon Fly. Both flies are unique in that they contain dyed (scarlet) jungle cock. The practice of dyeing such a "solid" feather was previously unheard of, at least in publication, and did not occur again until the mid-twentieth century when Charles Defeo began dyeing "solid" feathers like peacock herl. Kelson, in his usual bragging manner, commented on the fly: "An old standard on the Usk and a great favorite of old personal friends." |