Sir Herbert 3/0

Tag: Fine oval silver tinsel, Golden yellow floss.
Tail: Gold phesant crest and Indian Crow.
Butt: Peacock herl.
Body: Flat gold tinsel about three fourths of it, and the front part scarlet Seal´s fur.
(The fly above is wrong dressed by me, i read the pattern false.)
Ribbing: Silver or like Kelson gold tinsel.
Hackle: A cock hackle dyed golden orange or none.
Throat A Gold pheasant breast feather or a crimson cock hackle.
Wing: Two tippets back to back, veiled with married strands of blue and crimson Swan,.
light mottled Turkey tail, Bustard,and Gold pheasant tail, some Peacock herl and a topping.
Sides: Jungle cock or Summer Duck.
Horns: Red Macaw.
Head: Peacock herl.