Mar Lodge 3/0

Tag: Silver tinsel.
Tail: Gold phesant crest and points of
two small Jungle cock back to back.
Butt: Black Ostrich.
Body: In three equal sections, first and third silver tinsel(flat),
center black silk.
Ribbing: Oval silver tinsel.
Throat: Gallina.
Wing: Tippets in strands, Pintail, dark mottled turkey,Swan dyed blue, red and yellow,
Gold pheasant tail, Summer Duck,
and grey Mallard, a topping over all.
Sides: Jungle cock.
Horns: Blue and yellow Macaw.
Head: Black.

Mar Lodge was named for the sporting lodge on the Upper Dee . Kelson dates it circa 1890 with the Duchess of Fife having caught a salmon there. As a Dee pattern it is unconcentional , not the fluffy long winged patterns we see in the "Eagle" series for instance. It also was one of the few to be used on this side of the Atlantic, as a full dressed classic in Canada with success. It is still a well used hair wing. As usual there is some debate as to whom was the dresser. Perhaps Kelson is correct. There is some who credit John Lamont, circa 1880, however. It has been a staple fly in ever major book since. Pryce-Tannatt and Col. Hale have the wings quite different , but still a mixed wing with marriages of swams, turkeys, and pheasant wing, and golden pheasant toppings. No cheek in the Hale form, but sides of Jungle cock.In Pryce-Tannatt sides of summer duck, with the Jungle cock cheek. The outstanding feature is ,of course, the body of two outside silver sectons with a middle of black, ribbed in the Pryce-Tannatt pattern and unribbed in Hale's.

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