The McIntyre 6/0 
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Tag: Silver tinsel, golden yellow silk.
Tail: Gold phesant crest and Indian Crow.
Butt: Black herl.
Body: Two Jungle enveloped by a pair of tippets, Gold Pheasent-tail, Bustard, Peacock-wing, yellow, red and blue Swan. Mallard and a topping.
Hackle: Majenta.
Throat: Light blue hackle and black Heron.
Wing: 2 JC enveloped by a pair of tippets, Gold pheasant tail, Bustard, Peacock wing, Swan dyed yellow, red and blue, Mallard and a topping.
Cheeks: Chatterer or Kingfisher.
Horns: Red and blue Macaw.
Head: Black wool.

I have been reading a lots of books trying to find history of this fly and can't find anything at all.

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